Name: Majlinda Kelmendi
Born: 1966, Tirana, Albania
Country of Residence: Kosova
Specialities: Painting
Promoted By: Self promotion
Personal Exhibitions
2008, Personal exhibition.Gallery:Exspoart.40
Place: Prishtine .Kosova
2008, Personal exhibition.Gallery:Oldrado da Ponte.
Place: Lodi.Italy
2005, Personal exhibition.Gallery of Culture Departmenti
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2003, Personal exhibition.Bari.Italy
Place: Bari, Italy
1997, Private Exhibition , realized in Arts Gallery
Place: Tirane, Albania
Group Exhibitions
2009, Exposition d,Artistes Kosovars
Place: Museum of Art Schaerbeek/Bruxelles, Belgium
2009, Factory
Place: Muzeum of Art, Paraguay
2009, Biennale of Drawings Arts
Place: Peja, Kosova
2008, Premio Merliani 137 2° edizione
Place: Napoli, Italy
2008, Exhibition Gallery of Arts Gilan /20 artists
Place: Gilan, Kosova
2008, Gallery Kledio Tirana/Albania
Place: Tirane, Albania
2008, Galleria Oldrado da Ponte.Italia
Place: lodi, Italy
Description: Mostra collettiva d’Arte Contemporanea
2008, Exhibition 11 June “Day of Prishtina
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2008, The Americans Bionnial Exhibition
Place: Austin.Texas, American Samoa
2008, Trofeo di Capodanno
Place: Beinasco, Italy
2008, Biennale of small Graphic (Breslav)/ Czech Republ
Place: Breslav, Czech Republic
2008, Exhibitions with 20 artists. Arts Gallery
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2008, 7-th lessedra World Art Print Annual-Mini Print
Place: lesedra, Bulgaria
2008, Exhibition Gallery of Arts
Place: Gilan, Kosova
2008, Exhibition Gallery of Arts
Place: Peje, Kosova
2008, Biennale XI drawings Arts Gallery
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2008, Academie Europeenne des Arts
Place: Gembloux,, Belgium
2008, Exhibition organized .
Place: Luxemboug
2008, Exhibition Gallery of Art
Place: Gilan, Kosova
2008, Exhibition SH.A.F
Place: Gallery of Art/ Peje, Kosova
2008, Exhibition Gallery of Art
Place: Shkoder, Albania
2008, Salon of November
Place: Gallery of Art.Prishtine, Kosova
2008, Exhibition November 2008
Place: Gallery of Art .Tirane, Albania
2008, Fair of Contemporary Art .Milan-Novegro.
Place: Milan-Novegro, Italy
2008, 14ª International of Vendas Novas -
Place: Portugal
2008, Atlantica Gallery and 14ª International of Vendas
Place: Portugal
2008, S.Barbara Project - Quarta Cava d'Estrazione d'art
Place: Iglesias, Italy
Place: Pistoia City, Italy
2008, ventiperventi
Place: Napoli, Italy
2007, Exhibition organized in Government Ambience.
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2007, Exhibition of Draudakum.
Place: Shkup, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
2007, Exhibition Contemporary Art. Gallery Art.
Place: Tirane, Albania
2007, IV Biennale International Graphic
Place: shkup, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
2007, Exhibition(Artist’sAssociations)HistoricMuseum
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2007, Exhibitions with 10 artists. Arts Gallery
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2007, Biennale of Small Graphic Art
Place: Breslav, Czech Republic
2007, VIII International mail..Gallery & Contemporary Ar
Place: Lessedra., Bulgaria
2007, Salon of November. Gallery of Arts
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2006, Paris.(Exhibition with five authors)
Place: Paris, France
2006, (Price M. Mulliqi). Gallery of Arts Prishtina.
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2006, Salon of November. Gallery of Arts Prishtina
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2006, Salon 36,Academy of European Arts
Place: Gembloux, Belgium
2006, June’s Exhibition
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2005, Exhibition dedicated March 8, Museum of Kosova
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2005, 11 June “Day of Prishtina
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2005, Exhibition “30 Anniversary of Art Faculty”,
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2004, International drawing biennale Arts Gallery
Place: Tirane, Kosova
2004, Exhibition “Day of Prishtina”
Place: Tirane, Kosova
2003, June’s Exhibition art gallery Prishtina
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2002, June’ s Exhibition Arts Gallery Prishtina.
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2002, Exhibition.(8 Mars ) ,National Theatre in Prishtin
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2001, June’s Exhibition , Day of Prishtina.
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2000, National Art Gallery
Place: Tirane, Albania
2000, Biennale XI drawings Arts Gallery
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
2000, XXVII November Hall , Arts Gallery
Place: Prishtine, Kosova
1998, National Arts Gallery
Place: Tirane, Albania
1997, Exhibition November in Historic Museum
Place: Tirane, Albania
1996, (Applicative art) Arts Gallery Arts Gallery
Place: Tirane, Albania
1995, National Arts Gallery
Place: Tirana, Albania
1994, 1994.Participation in exhibition in Gallery TE&GI
Place: Tirane, Albania
1993, National Arts Gallery in Tirana
Place: Tirane, Albania
1992, National Arts Gallery in Tirana
Place: Tirane, Albania
2008, First Price
Event: 2008. First Price in Art Gallery /Peja/Kosovë
Place: Kosova
2008, First Price
Event: Exhibition March/2008
Place: Kosova
2008, First Price
Event: Exhibition Day of Prishtina.
Place: Kosova
2008, Bronz Medal.
Event: 38 ‘salon concours internacional
Place: Belgium.
2008, Diploma of merit .
Event: Premio Merliani 137 2°
Place: Napoli /italia
2006, Won Silver Medal
Event: Academy of European art’s
Place: Belgium
1966, Second Price
Event: Applicative Arts
Place: Albania
Education and Training
1999-2000, Master in Arts Academy in Prishtina
Education type: High Education
Institution: Degree/2 years/Master in Arts Academy / Prishtina, Kosova
1986-1990, 1990. Graduated in Beauty Arts Academy in Tirana.
Education type: High Education
Institution: 4 years/Graduated in Beauty Arts Academy / Tirane, Albania
Jobs and Projects
2000, Professor...
Place: Art Academy in Prishtina., Kosova
Contact Information
Address: Lagje:Universiteti.Nr 40 10000 Prishtine/Kosova
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